Currupt SVG output

User 65339aced8

26-01-2005 22:00:42

jchem 3.0.3, marvin 3.5.1, Adobe SVG Viewer 3.02 build 91

molconvert png -2:O2 -s "[C-]#[N+]C1CC1" > a.png

molconvert svg -2:O2 -s "[C-]#[N+]C1CC1" > a.svg

Viewed with html in IE6 with:

<embed name="ID12345"




ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

27-01-2005 13:20:34

I have tested svg export with Marvin 3.5.1 but I have not found any problem.

I have tried your example: the generated svg image was the same than the png version.

I have used Adobe SVG Viewer 3.02 in IE6 to view the svg file.

Can you give me more info about your platform where you have created the svg image (OS type, Java version)?

User 65339aced8

27-01-2005 13:45:19

Hi Thamas,

Below you find the svg file. This was produced on 2003 Server. I reproduced it on XP.

I saved it as a.svg and opened it bare in IE6, without html code around it.



<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN' ''>

<svg fill-opacity="1" color-rendering="auto" color-interpolation="sRGB" text-rendering="auto" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="square" width="200" stroke-miterlimit="10" shape-rendering="auto" stroke-opacity="1" fill="black" stroke-dasharray="none" font-weight="normal" stroke-width="1" height="200" font-family="&apos;Dialog&apos;" font-style="normal" stroke-linejoin="miter" font-size="12" stroke-dashoffset="0" image-rendering="auto">

<!--Generated by Marvin with Batik SVG Generator-->

<defs id="genericDefs" />


<g font-size="23" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" font-family="sans-serif" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" font-weight="bold" stroke-width="2.3686683177948">

<line y2="95" fill="none" x1="36" x2="47" y1="95" />

<line fill="none" x1="47" x2="58" y1="95" y2="95" stroke="rgb(51,51,153)" />

<line y2="105" fill="none" x1="37" x2="48" y1="105" />

<line fill="none" x1="48" x2="59" y1="105" y2="105" stroke="rgb(51,51,153)" />

<line y2="115" fill="none" x1="38" x2="49" y1="115" />

<line fill="none" x1="49" x2="60" y1="115" y2="115" stroke="rgb(51,51,153)" />

<line fill="none" x1="94" x2="114" y1="102" y2="100" stroke="rgb(51,51,153)" />

<line y2="98" fill="none" x1="114" x2="134" y1="100" />

<line y2="124" fill="none" x1="134" x2="185" y1="99" />

<line y2="67" fill="none" x1="185" x2="181" y1="124" />

<line y2="67" fill="none" x1="134" x2="181" y1="99" />

<rect x="1" y="85" fill="white" width="10" height="20" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" />

<rect x="11" y="91" fill="white" width="17" height="24" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" />

<text x="1" font-size="19" y="105" stroke="none" font-weight="normal" stroke-width="1">–


<text x="11" stroke-width="1" y="115" font-weight="normal" stroke="none">C



<g font-size="23" fill="white" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" font-family="sans-serif" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" stroke="white">

<rect width="17" x="68" height="24" y="88" stroke="none" />

<rect width="11" x="85" height="20" y="82" stroke="none" />

<text fill="rgb(51,51,153)" x="68" y="112" stroke="none">N


<text fill="rgb(51,51,153)" x="85" font-size="19" y="102" stroke="none">+





User 65339aced8

27-01-2005 14:09:06

Hi Tamas,

In the svg code I sent you, there is an ascii code 150 –.

That is the culprit.

After this code, the SVG Viewer will not print any more.

Ascii 45 -, does works.

Java 1.5



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

27-01-2005 14:27:05

The image is perfect. I have opened your SVG file in IE6: the lines and labels are visible. (See the snapshot about it.)

The problem may be in your SVG Viewer.

User 65339aced8

27-01-2005 14:35:29

That is very funny. I tried it on 4 different PCs, XP and 2003. I even upgraded just to SVG viewer 3.02 Build 91.

I am using IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158.

Dont worry. I will convert ascii 150 into 45 myself.

