Large molecule view error

User c4e58ee8b2

26-06-2008 18:35:27

I tried to display the chemical structure of an oligonucleotide (42 mer) with its SMILES in MarvinView, and it shows only the water molecule (H2O). On the console, I got the following message:

..\ChemAxon\MarvinBeans\bin>mview -Xmx256M

Time limit 20s reached.

Geometry calculation failure

Here is the SMILES for the oligo:


Is there a limit on the size of the molecule? If yes, does the limit apply only to the view? I generated the SMILES programatically using the Molecule/MolAtom/MolBond API, and I hope there is no limitation there.



ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

27-06-2008 14:50:03


There is no limit on the size of the molecule, but as the number of atoms increases in the molecule the cleaning method which tries to avoid collisions may run into longer and longer cycles. That is what exactly happens in this case.

I try to overcome this problem somehow.

Thank you for the report.


ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

27-06-2008 14:52:48

Actually the result is not the water molecule, but all atoms in the origin, and two implicit H from some atom.

ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

29-09-2008 08:39:33


We have made some steps in the improvement, but it is not yet ready.

(Actually the atoms are crowded on each other, but not every atom is in the origin as it was before.)

We will try to find an other approach to the nice solution.
