Molecule param from CLOB

User 979012b3b3

04-06-2008 07:51:17


I'd like to use this code:

<applet codebase="jmarvin/" code="chemaxon/marvin/space/gui/MSpaceApplet" name="MSpaceApplet" width=800 height=600



    <param name="progressbar" value="true">

    <param name="selectionpanel" value="false">

    <param name="molecule" value="<%=CLOBINFO%>">


I have a CLOB field in my Oracle DB where I save my files *.mol. How can I pass this data in the param moleculare without saving any file in my file system? Can I pass it as a string? And if Yes, how? Thanks and best regards, Cristina

Version 5.0.4

ChemAxon 909aee4527

04-06-2008 15:06:29

Hi Cristina,

yes, the molecules can be passed as String (simply the content of the molecule files), though I just realized that the applet parameter is unfortunately not working currently with such a parameter (throws a SecurityException).

We will fix this bug, the correction will be available in the next versions (5.0.5 and 5.1).

I'm sorry for the inconveniences.

Kind regards,


User 979012b3b3

04-06-2008 15:15:19


I need to create a web application for 3D molecular visualization and I have the structure in a CLOB field in my Oracle DB. Can you tell me another way to do this if the applet is not available in this period? Any examples?

Thanks, Cristina

ChemAxon 909aee4527

05-06-2008 14:44:25


I'm sorry for the late answer.

Is Java Web Start a possible alternative?

We have an example here:

Please enter a molecule String to the 3rd text field "Start MarvinSpace with your molecule:" for example "CCCCC" and press Start.

This is a dynamic jnlp page solved with jsp, that calls

An example parameter is given in the link below:[H]C(=O)C([H])([H])C([H])([H])C([H])([H])[H]

Would this solution be suitable for you?

I'll try to give you faster responses in the future.

Kind regards,
