Missing Javadocs for 2D Base cleaning options

User f5e6ccf034

06-05-2008 00:57:36

Under http://www.chemaxon.com/marvin/help/sci/cleanoptions.html there is nothing for the 2D Base case.

ChemAxon 909aee4527

06-05-2008 12:10:51

Dear Olivier,

thank you for drawing our attention to this.

There are no Base parameters to 2D cleaning, we will include an indication to this in the documentation.

Kind regards,


User f5e6ccf034

06-05-2008 14:17:24

OK. But then does mol.clean(2, "") do anything? Should I simply dispense with it? Thanks again.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

07-05-2008 10:19:28

mol.clean(2, "")
In this case, clean 2D runs with default settings.