ByteArrayOutputStream corrupted, MolExporter involved

User e469f67125

23-04-2008 18:59:16

The attached test program writes a smiles using MolExporter in two ways, to a file (works fine), and to a The ByteArrayOutputStream is written to stdout using ByteArrayOutputStream.writeTo(System.out). The problem is that stdout is different than the output file. There seems to be some binary data pre-pended to the smiles.

I know this is a trivial example and this program could be fixed in many ways. But the real problem comes when I try a binary output format such as PNG and a ByteArray is necessary.

Thanks in advance for any help, and sorry if I'm missing something obvious.

$ java test_stdout > zz.smi

$ ls -l z.smi zz.smi

-rw-r--r-- 1 jjyang jjyang 18 Apr 23 12:55 z.smi

-rw-r--r-- 1 jjyang jjyang 24 Apr 23 12:55 zz.smi

$ cat z.smi


$ cat zz.smi


JChem version: 5_0_02_1

JDK: 1.6.0_03, linux 32bit

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

25-04-2008 14:26:17

Please read the (Sun) documentation of

ObjectOutputStream inserts meta-data into the stream by instantiation.

This is independent from Marvin. Marvin writes only the molecule string into the stream.

The following code sniplet demonstrates what happens when you create a new ObjectOutputStream.

ByteArrayOutputStream obuff = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(obuff);

