ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
08-04-2008 15:46:00
Can you give your sofware environment where this issue appeared?
- OS type
- Java version
- browser type
- Marvin version
User 8139ea8dbd
08-04-2008 16:12:30
This is using the Marvin applet on the ChemAxon web site (see URL in the original post).
OS: tried both Vista and XP
Java 1.6 patch 5
User 8139ea8dbd
08-04-2008 16:14:28
Has just tried firefox, same problem.
The moment you open "Source" window, the original Marvin window is pushed behind the browser.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
09-04-2008 18:02:05
Indeed. We will debug it.