User 1c63af909c
17-03-2008 10:03:40
Is it possible to display some elemental analysis results in the website that uses the MarvinView Plugin (Version: 5.0.1).
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
17-03-2008 14:11:08
To tell the truth, what you would like to do is not clear to me. Despite of it, I try to answer for your question.
You can run elemental analyser inside the MarvinView/Sketch applet via the GUI. You can find calculator plugins in the Tools menu.
If you would like to calculate elemental analyser result independently from the applet, you can calculate it on the server side and display the result on a web page. In this case, you need the Marvin Beans API on the server to run plugins.
Accessing calculator plugins from JavaScript is not possible yet. But we plan to implement new methods in JMSketch and in JMView class to get calculation plugin result for the molecule in the applet.