Error loading shortcut configuration

User 21b7e0228c

13-03-2008 15:23:34

Hi - I'm completely lost on this one: I'm playing around with a .cgi embedding the msketch applet, which I'm refreshing (manually) while waiting for some background jobs to complete. It's stuff I've been doin' since I was born a chemaxon user, back at Cerep. Now, however, I sometimes get stupid popups "Error loading shortcut configuration" (got a stack trace bitmap acquired and attached as .jpg - it's Hungarian to me, anyway ;-). In most cases, I simply discard the message and the web site continues to work very fine. Sometimes, however, mozilla crashes and, needless to say, IE crashes as well, and much more often.

Now, there are two things that differ from my previous experiences, which never saw such funny msketch behavior:

(a) in fact, the web page includes inline frames, and each IFRAME hosts a different .cgi, which displays its own msketch window. Since the error popup is highly stochastic, I don't have any formal proof from crash frequency monitoring, but at least got the feeling that the more IFRAMES I open in the main page, the lesser mozilla's life expectancy.

(b) unlike in my glorious past, now I'm using jchem 5.0.0!

If you don't see what's going on, I can open an access for you on our web site, maybe you'll be able to reproduce the crashes...


ChemAxon 909aee4527

14-03-2008 10:35:02

Dear Dragos,

we were able to reproduce the shortcut.xml problem, and we will fix it of course. Until that you can simply ignore it.

Some details in case you are interested in learning Hungarian :) This file is written to user_home/(.)chemaxon/version_number/shortcuts.xml each time the applet is finished, but sometimes the writing fails and it cannot be read back.

If you remove the file the error message will not appear to bother you.

My collagues are working on the browser crashes too.

Kind regards,
