MDL Enhanced Stereo Representation

User f6b3d4b028

06-03-2008 22:36:04


I am using MDL Enhanced Stereo Representation to generate molefile; however, my 3D conversion software does not support v3000 mol/sdf format. Is there a way to use MDL Enhanced format which generates old molfile format?


Yuhmei Lin

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

10-03-2008 20:36:54

Hi Yuhmei,

No. MOLFile is capable to store the enhanced stereochemical features only in its extended format (V3000). For more details please refer to page 5 of the following white paper:

"The stereogenic centers and their associated stereochemical groups are identified within a V3000 molfile, the format of which has been extended to accommodate this information."

Best regards,
