Ambiguous documentation

User 07eebf78ca

07-12-2004 23:26:09


Is this-

MolHandler mh = new MolHandler(molstr);


Molecule mol = mh.getMolecule()

the same as this?

Molecule mol = MolImporter.importMol(molstr);


Will the resulting molecule be chemically identical in both cases assuming molstr is identical?

The confusion is caused by the documentation of MolHandler.addHydrogens() and of MoleculeGraph.hydrogenize().

Doc for addHydrogens states-
Adds the implicit Hydrogen atoms to the molecule. The coordinates of the H atoms set to 0.
Doc for hydrogenize states-
Implicit/explicit Hydrogen conversion. Adds explicit H atoms instead of the current implicit ones, or removes explicit H atoms and increases the number of implicit hydrogens.
Intuitively, I feel both the methods do the same thing, but documentation for addHydrogens is not as clear as the documentation for hydrogenize. Is my intuition right?



ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

08-12-2004 11:57:10


They are the same indeed.

The API documentation of MolHandler.addHydrogens() will

be updated in the next version.

Thank you for pointing this out for us.