setcolors in toBinFormat

User 3afdb4ab90

01-12-2004 21:03:18

I need to convert smiles to jpeg with selected atoms colored.

I made some changes to the example code

I assign Set number 0 to all atoms, then Set 1 to selected atoms.

But when I use the (new) setcolors options in toBinFormat, e.g.

"jpeg:w200,setcolors", the output file is still colored by atom type,

the same as if I'd used "jpeg:w200". Do I need to define the

colors of my Sets? How do I do that?



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

02-12-2004 15:42:31

Try this code. It works for me.


String selectedindexes = "0,1,2";

StringTokenizer selection = new StringTokenizer(selectedindexes,",");

while(selection.hasMoreTokens()) {

    String s = selection.nextToken();


        int index = Integer.parseInt(s);

        MolAtom a = mol.getAtom(index);


    } catch(Exception e) {

        System.err.println("invalide index:"+s);



// colors selected atoms

byte[] data = mol.toBinFormat("jpeg:w200,mono,setcolors");

User 3afdb4ab90

02-12-2004 17:47:11

Thanks, Tamas. I must have been working too late last night.

I added the code to setSetSeq AFTER the toBinFormat.

It's all working fine now.