MarvinSketch error message

User e05b1833aa

19-02-2008 14:07:49


We installed the Linux version of MarvinBeans 5.0.01 on a central location. When running MarvinSketch, the following message appears in the text port:

/net/sarah/willedisk/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/MarvinSketch: line 135: cd: /net/sarah/willedisk/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/~: No such file or directory

The program seems to work fine otherwise. MarvinView and MarvinSpace don't complain.


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

22-02-2008 13:50:06

Indeed, there is a warning message on the console.

Marvin installer is created by Install4j (a Java installer builder). It generates the MarvinSketch launching script, automatically.

It may be an Install4j issue. Despite of it, we will check how to solve it.

Until then, I can suggest you the following workarounds:

1 Use MarvinBeans/bin/msketch script (instead of MarvinSketch) to launch the application.

2. Edit the MarvinSketch script: remove "~" from the end of 135. line:


cd "$prg_dir"/~


cd "$prg_dir"/

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

29-08-2008 14:06:05

We have solved this issue. In the next release (5.1.1), MarvinSketch script will not drop the reported warning message.