setting dihedral angles, rotation about bonds

User 870ab5b546

04-02-2008 20:28:45


A long time ago, I requested that a Marvin user have the ability to set the dihedral angle about A-B-C-D or to rotate about the B-C bond by a particular amount. I've written a JSP page that does just that, but it would be nice to be able to do it in Marvin itself. The feature is particularly useful after a 3D minimization if one finds oneself in a local but not a global minimum. As your 3D capabilities have increased, the feature's absence has become more and more glaring. So, I'm renewing my request for the feature, and you can use my code if you want. (It would be even nicer if the user could also rotate about a bond by dragging the mouse.)

-- Bob

ChemAxon 909aee4527

06-02-2008 08:46:16

Dear Bob,

would dihedral setting via API help to you or is it the interactive setting and changing you need more?

Kind regards,


User 870ab5b546

06-02-2008 13:09:43

The interactive setting and changing would be much more useful. As I mentioned above, I have already written a method that does what I want. But I want to be able to it directly in the Marvin window.