User e5ad55c2bc
21-11-2004 05:30:26
I am using Mac OS X 10.3.6. Java version is "1.4.2_05". I met a problem when I tried to copy the image from marvinsketch and paste to my powerpoint file. I am using MS Office 11.1.
Now I have two problems.
1) I downloaded MarvinSketch 3.5 and installed it on my powerbook. When I tried to copy the molecule to the clipboard, there is an error. "Unknow pasteboard type (CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x7A7A7A7A, CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x73777343, CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x6D696D65)" (This is from Butler's pasteboard). Then I can't paste.
2) When I use the online marvinsketch through Safari 1.2.4 and copy the molecule, there is no problem to copy the image to the clipboard and I can paste the image to TextEdit. But I can't paste it into powerpoint 11.1, it shows up like "C1=CC2=C(C=C1)C=CC=C2".
Is this a bug from MarvinSketch or from MS Office 11.1?
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
22-11-2004 10:15:42
How do you launch MarvinSketch ( using the desktop icon or the msketch script from the command line)? Marvin can use various Java versions depending on the way it is launched.
Are you sure, that your MarvinSketch uses Java 1.4.2_05, not Java 1.3.1?
Please, choose the "Help->About Java VM" menu item in the sketcher to check Java VM.
Java 1.3.1 does not support image export to the clipboard.
Marvin puts molecules to the clipboard in several formats. In PowerPoint, the problem may be that PowerPoint does not recognize the clipboard's content as image.
I suggest you to use the "Paste Special" option in PowerPoint's Edit menu to insert it as an image into PowerPoint.
User e5ad55c2bc
22-11-2004 18:11:56
You are right. I used Help -> About Java VM. MarvinSketch is using Java 1.3.1. How can I switch it to 1.4.2?
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
22-11-2004 21:06:33
If you launch
MarvinSketch as
Unix script from command line, MarvinSketch will uses Java 1.4.2_05.
To do it, open a "Terminal" window and start the following script:
Code: |
/Applications/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/bin/msketch |
If you would like to launch MarvinSketch as a desktop application with Java 1.4.2_05, you should modify the MarvinSketch application's configuration file (Info.plist).
1. Take a right click on the MarvinSketch icon on the desktop and select "Show original" item from the popuped menu to go to the original location of the application.
2. Press the right mouse button on the MarvinSketch application to display the application's popup menu.
3. Select the "Show Package Contents" option from the menu to display the MarvinSketch application package's content.
4. Enter into its "Contents" subdirectory and open the "Info.plist" configuration file for editing.
(To edit the file with "TextEdit", take a right click on the file and selecting "Open With" option. Then you can choose the "TextEdit" application, which is located in the "Applications" directory, from the popup dialog.)
5. Search the following pattern in the code: <key>Java</key>
You should find something like this:
Code: |
Modify it like this:
Code: |
You can find more info about choosing Java version for an appliction in the following document:
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
22-09-2006 15:05:55
Since Marvin 4.0.6, Marvin Beans installer sets Java 1.4.2 as default Java for Marvin desktop application launchers (MarvinSketch, MarvinView, MarvinSpace).
If you would like to update Java settings for any launcher, you can do it as I have described it earlier.
Just one note about Info.plist:
You can edit Info.plist with also Property List Editor.
In this case, go to the Root/Java/JVMVersion node in the properties' tree in the Property List Editor.
By editing the JVMVersion property, you can specify the exact Java version for the proper application.
1.3.1 : for run with Java 1.3.1 or
1.3+ : to run with any Java versions that are later than Java 1.3.
After then, save settings by choosing the Save option in the File menu of the Property List Editor.