User 25d107bd42
30-01-2008 16:46:25
it is not important, but it would be nice to have an icon for MarvinSpace on Linux/KDE.
I found the icons for MarvinSketch and MarvinView on my Windows platform and transported them to Linux KDE, see the screenshot. But where is the icon you can see for MarvinSpace on the Windows desktop ?
ChemAxon 909aee4527
30-01-2008 17:11:45
Hi Hans-Ulrich,
thanks, we will sort this out!
User 25d107bd42
30-01-2008 18:20:59
Hi Judit,
"sort out" = "bereinigen" in German ?
I opened the 64*64 GIF files with GIMP and converted them to 32*32 PNG files. Linux KDE demands this format.
When you send me the 64*64 MSpace GIF file, I will convert it and post all three icons in the forum.
I can also post, in which folder the icons should be, for SuSE Linux and for Ubuntu Linux.
Regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 25d107bd42
01-02-2008 16:35:27
Hi Judit,
in the MarvinBeans 5.0.0 subfolders there are only the files msketch.png, msketch32.gif and mview32.gif, no mspace-file. And some dubious named ico-files. On my Windows platform I could identify the ico-Files as belonging to MSketch, MView and MSpace. I copied the ico-files to the Linux platform and converted them with "KIconEdit" to png-files (three mouse clicks).
Then the icons must be copied to the folders where the KDE desktop demands them.
On SuSE KDE this is the directory: /opt/kde3/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/
On Ubuntu KDE this is the directory: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/
I transported the files msketch.png, mview.png and mspace.png to these directories and it was possible to install these programs with the corresponding icons using the KDE installer. See the screenshot of the Ubuntu KDE desktop.
I would post these three png-files to the forum, if it is OK to do it. Then other Linux users could do the same.
Regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 25d107bd42
03-02-2008 18:15:06
Hi Judit,
should I post the three Marvin Icons for the Linux KDE Desktop ?
Regards, Hans-Ulrich
ChemAxon 909aee4527
04-02-2008 08:15:15
Hi Hans-Ulrich,
thank you very much for the extra details, I misunderstood this earlier.
My collague confirmed that currently there are no icons we install on Linux platforms.
I can post the original 32x32 and 64x64 icons in png format, the conversion may result in loss of data.
Thanks again,
User 25d107bd42
04-02-2008 08:47:16
Hi Judit,
this is a very good answer. I will repeat here my hints to install the icons on Linux platforms. Perhaps other Linux users can give examples where to install the icons on Redhat, Fedora and other distributions.
1) Copy (of course as root) the three icons msketch32.png, mview32.png and mspace32.png to the following directories:
SuSE KDE: /opt/kde3/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/
Kubuntu: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/
2) Install (as normal user) the program on the desktop using the right mouse button (on the desktop), then - Neu erstellen - Datei - Verknüpfung zu Programm and you will find the icons in the icon menu, see screenshot.
3) Then install the start command using Programme - Befehlszeile. The path must not be the usual /usr/local/bin, it can be a directory in your home folders.
That's all and you have the icons on your desktop, as you can see in my screenshots above.
Have fun, Hans-Ulrich
ChemAxon 909aee4527
04-02-2008 08:53:27