How to turn off atom numbering

User 5508363905

10-01-2008 21:05:23

When I open a structure in Marvin all atoms (exc. H) have a number near them. How do I turn off this numbering? I want to be able to copy and past the structures without the numbers. Also, is there a way to turn off the coloring of oxygen and nitrogen. Marvin 4.1.0

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

10-01-2008 22:24:04

Atom numbering can be switched on/off with the View -> Misc -> Atom numbers option (actually, it is switched off as default).

The coloring can be changed in the View -> Colors menu. If you choose 'Monochrome', all atoms will be displayed with the same color.

User 5508363905

10-01-2008 22:39:42

When I paste a structure in from Chemfinder, for example, atom numbers are there and cannot be removed. To tes this, go to, search for morphine, click view chemdraw structure, right click on molecule and copy. Paste into Marvin and all atoms have a number which cannot be removed. Any ideas?

User 5508363905

11-01-2008 16:32:30

Any further help here? Examples provided. The first example shows what happpens when the structure is pasted into Marvin. The second example shows that when a mol file is opened the numbering is not present. This adds a step (saving the structure file and opening in Marvin).

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

11-01-2008 17:23:30

I've copied morphine from chemfinder and pasted it into Marvin: The numbers really appear.

I checked the source, and it looks that these numbers are explicitely defined in the structure.

We will further investigate this problem.

User 5508363905

11-01-2008 17:36:48

Thanks. Resolution of the problem will make Marvin more user friendly and structures can be copied and pasted from it to other documents, such as presentations. I use Marvin for example to build larger molecules from smaller units (copied in from chemfinder). I end up with a molecule that has numbers all over it which is distracting in presentations.

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

30-09-2008 16:18:29

We wanted to fix it, but presently we cannot reproduce it. The structure can be smoothly pasted to MarvinSketch, and there are no numbers on the atoms.

Would you please test it?

Thank you.