drawing order to draw an reaction

User 32331ce529

20-12-2007 07:13:16

Is it possible to draw chemical structures first when I draw an reaction using Marvin Sketch 4.1.14?

I am able to draw an reaction when I draw an arrow first.

But I am not able to draw an reaciton when I draw reactants or products or both of them first.

While I drag the mouse to draw an arrow, chemical structures on the canvas dissapperared.

When I was using version 4.1.9, I am able to draw chemical structures first.

MarvinSketch/Swing 4.1.14

JVM: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 1.5.0_10

OS: x86 Windows XP 5.1

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

20-12-2007 12:39:30

In the current release, the reaction drawing is buggy.

In the next Marvin release (5.0), the reaction drawing is rewritten. So a lot of annoying bug (also this one) is fixed.

Now we are doing the final tests on the new release. So it will be available very very soon.