Copy molecule as Chemical Structure is locked

User 25d107bd42

12-12-2007 10:05:00

While evaluating MarvinSketch for chemical tutor courses I found in the menu "Edit-Preferences-Copy" the option "Copy molecule as Chemical Structure" is deactivated, see screenshot087.png.

Does this concern to the option to copy/paste molecules to OpenOffice ? (I have read the topic about that).

Why is that topic deactivated ?

I have done the following:

1) I downloaded the MarvinSketch version 4.1.13.

2) I used this version without license key. It works fine.

3) I applied for a license key for academic teaching purposes.

4) I got the license key and simply copied the lines containing the keys to the file /home/.chemaxon/licenses.dat. I did not use the license program.

Now all worked fine, I could use all the tools more than one time.

But is this procedure the reason for the fact " Chemical Stucture" is deactivated ?

Why is "Copy molecule as Vector Graphical Image" also deactivated.

I am using

MarvinSketch/Swing 4.1.3

JVM Sun 1.4.2_11

OS i386 Linux 2.6.8-24.25 default

Memory 63.6 M maximum 10.6 M total 0.3 M free

still SuSE Linux 9.2 and KDE 3.3 (good running)

What is wrong ?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-12-2007 12:55:20

Chemical Structure option is not disabled. It is grayed off to avoid switching it off by the users.

Thus, in all cases, molecule is placed to the clipboard in Chemical structure format. "Chemical structure format" is a collection of the following mime types:





These clipboard types are supported by MarvinSketch, MarvinView and other chemical editors (like IsisDraw or ChemDraw).

If the structure is not available in "Plain Text" or in image format on the clipboard, OpenOffice can not paste it.

So there is not any restriction by copy that would depend from the license key.

User 25d107bd42

12-12-2007 14:36:14

Thank you once more for the fast answer. The ChemAxon Forum is organized outstanding. Becoming informed when an answer is posted is a marvelous thing. I would like to have the features of ChemAxon forum in other forums.

On the subject: Now I have further to evaluate my problems with copy/paste.