Can't find Inchi From MOL on MACOSX

User 3dd6edb58a

22-10-2007 06:11:15


I'm trying to run the following molconvert (version 4.1.13)command on my MAC OSX 10.4.10 PPC.

>>molconvert inchi molFile.mol

However, I get the following error message:

molFile.mol:51: error: /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/inchi-1_0/libinchi.jnilib:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/inchi-1_0/libinchi.jnilib:

at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(

at java.lang.Runtime.load0(

at java.lang.System.load(

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.Inchi.install(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.Inchi.<clinit>(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.InchiExport.convert(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolExporter.write(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolConverter.write(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolConverter.convert0(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolConverter.convert(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolConverter.main(Unknown Source)

Does anyone know what cause this? I tried setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PATH variables, but the command still fails. The version of Marvin installed is Molecule File Converter, version 4.1.13, (C) 1999-2007 ChemAxon Ltd.


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

24-10-2007 15:37:41

We will check it.

ChemAxon 0a9e2a55e1

25-10-2007 14:18:07


If there is another marvin version on the computer or you have just updated, maybe you are using an old verion libinchi.jnilib. In that case please delete this libinchi.jnilib file from your .chemaxon directory and run the application again.

InChI in Marvin only works with the libinchi.jnilib provided by chemaxon. Several weeks ago a similar problem occured when a user have tried to use a different one. Please do not use any other libinchi.jnilib files.

Can you tell me if this file /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/inchi-1_0/libinchi.jnilib exists (after you get this error message) and if not then the contents of /Users/tom/.chemaxon/, /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/ and /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/inchi-1_0/ (just the file names and if any of these missing).

Best regards,


User 3dd6edb58a

26-10-2007 20:58:09


I've just uninstalled Marvins completely on my computer by executing the uninstall program that came packaged with the bundle install. Also, I've just manually removed the folders /Applications/ChemAxon and the ~/.chemaxon too. I completely uninstalled Marvins.

I then installed the same version of Marvins by root. After running the command:

>>molconvert inchi molFile.mol

a hidden directory (.chemaxon) was automatically created in my user home account and the same error message was reported:

wificlient-55-204:~ tom$ molconvert inchi molFile.mol

molFile.mol:51: error: /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/inchi-1_0/libinchi.jnilib:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/inchi-1_0/libinchi.jnilib:

at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(

at java.lang.Runtime.load0(

at java.lang.System.load(

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.Inchi.install(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.Inchi.<clinit>(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.InchiExport.convert(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolExporter.write(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolConverter.write(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolConverter.convert0(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolConverter.convert(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.formats.MolConverter.main(Unknown Source)

User 3dd6edb58a

26-10-2007 21:01:19

In response to your questions eariler,

"Can you tell me if this file /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/inchi-1_0/libinchi.jnilib exists (after you get this error message) and if not then the contents of /Users/tom/.chemaxon/, /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/ and /Users/tom/.chemaxon/lib/inchi-1_0/ (just the file names and if any of these missing). "

Yes, the full path (and the contents) leading to the jni file (libinchi.jnilib) was created automatically upon executing the command that calls the inchi input parameter.

(ie. molconvert inchi molFile.mol)

29-10-2007 10:11:47

I have the same problem... any solution?

29-10-2007 10:13:57


User 3dd6edb58a

29-10-2007 16:52:44

No, I don't have a solution yet. I'm still waiting for the reply from ChemAxon experts/techs.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

30-10-2007 14:27:27

Probably, the mentioned jnilib is not compatible with your platform.

We need more info to debug it.

We are going to keep in contact with you (in email) to discuss the details.