User a9431cd809
15-10-2007 03:18:09
hello everybody:
I have a queation of "marvin_jvm".
<marvin_jvm = "builtin"> and <marvin_jvm = "plugin"> and defult of marvin_jvm .
What's different of them?
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
16-10-2007 17:11:05
The only difference is in the used applet tag in the HTML code.
builtin, marvin.js writes
<applet> tag into HTML. If you prefer
<object> (for IE) or
<embed> (for Mozilla) tag will be used.
By playing with tags you can control which Java should run the applet.
A couple of ancient browsers included built-in Java. In this case, referring to the applet via
<applet> tag, Marvin started with the browser bundled Java.
<object> and
<embed> tag always preferred the Java Plug-in to run the applet.
Newer Java Plug-ins eliminate this difference:
<applet> uses the same Java than
<object> or
Probably, the only significant difference in the behaviour of APPLET and OBJECT tag is that Java Plug-in installs automatically by OBJECT tag (if no available Java on the machine). But this extra feature is available only in Windows.
You can read more about APPLET, OBJECT and EMBED tags in the following document:
Using applet, object and embed Tags