Explicit hydrogens on Si atoms in Marvin sketch

User 0224fcf261

14-09-2007 15:10:09

When you draw a nitrogen atom in Marvin sketch, it puts on implicit hydrogens but when you retrieve the SMILES it returns N without the explicit hydrogens - this is the expected behaviour and works well for us when you feed it into a chemical search.

However, when you draw Si it adds explicit hydrogens to the SMILES string by default - this causes problems when you use the SMILES to do a substructure search as it will not find any molecules where substitutions exist

Can this be changed ?

Many thanks


ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

17-09-2007 20:53:07

If you draw Si it adds implicit hydrogens to the SMILES: [SiH4]

For queries you should rather use SMARTS format instead of SMILES.

The SMARTS of Si is: [#14]

Please note that SMILES is used for molecules and SMARTS for queries.
