mview problem with polymer structures

User 677b9c22ff

24-08-2007 18:59:13


I downloaded the Biometa DB (the curated KEGG DB) and

there are some molecules (I guess) with CH3-[CH2]n-CH3 notation.

(Same problem in Instant-JChem)

Mview 4.1.11


Exception in thread "Thread-49" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad multiple group subscript, not an integer

at chemaxon.struc.sgroup.MultipleSgroup.setSubscript(

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.MolImport.setSgroupSubscript(

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.MolImport.readPropertiesBlockV2(

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.MolImport.readCtab(

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.MolImport.readMol0(

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.MolImport.readMol(

at chemaxon.formats.MolImporter.readDoc(

at chemaxon.formats.MolImporter.nextDoc(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.MDocStorage.readDoc(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.MDocStorage.getMainDoc(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.modules.GridBagView.getDocument(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.modules.GridBagView.setVisibleCanvas(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.ViewPanel.setVisibleCanvas(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.modules.GridBagView.setVisibleCell(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.modules.GridBagView.visibleCells(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.modules.GridBagView.update(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.modules.GridBagView.access$800(

at chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.modules.GridBagView$

at chemaxon.marvin.util.ThreadSerializer$

User 677b9c22ff

24-08-2007 19:26:43


I just looked into it, there are some weird Markush structures contained,

a general "ignore error" would be fine (also for I-JChem).

The substance is or was wrong, it looks like this

The original file in Biometa is mc006057.mol (I cannot post it here, but you can downlad it from Biometa DB mol files.


ChemAxon e500b51457

26-08-2007 21:49:34

Hi Tobias,

The faulty structure contains a Multiple Sgroup where the subscript is a letter instead of a number. You can remove that faulty structure with molconvert -g option (continue with next molecule on error) and then use the converted sdf file.


User 677b9c22ff

27-08-2007 05:15:54

Hi Erika,

thank you, I already converted it with molconvert from the single molfiles. My concern was with Marvin and Instant-JChem, because Marvin crashes (instead of catching the error) and Instant-JChem stopped the import instead of ignoring the error.
