Bug or just a wrong smiles?

User 5e51c97927

17-08-2007 14:01:22

For compounds like 83-34-1, if the smiles is written as

c1ccc2c(C)cnc2c1 MarvinView can display the molecule but cant dearomatize the aromatic bonds. If the smiles is written as c12c(cccc2)[nH]cc1C it works. Is there something wrong with the first smiles I wrote or is this a bug in Marvin?

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

17-08-2007 15:23:52

For 3-methyl-indol the smiles is incorrect, because on aromatic nitrogen atoms the implicit hydrogen has to be defined. For more detail please refer to the documentation of smiles:


The correction of the smiles you tried is as follows:


but the second smiles you wrote - c12c(cccc2)[nH]cc1C - is also a correct one.

User 5e51c97927

17-08-2007 15:32:49

OK thanks- that makes sense- thanks for the quick reply.