OH group on phosphate looks unhappy

User 677b9c22ff

03-08-2007 21:02:26


If I paste the following struc into msketch the OH bond on

the phosphate always looks unhappy. Even with all possible

2D cleaning tricks and wedging etc pp (you name it) it still

looks unhappy.

Later after excessive pressing Ctrl-2 msketch dies.



java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position

at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Unknown Source)

at javax.swing.JLayeredPane.addImpl(Unknown Source)

at java.awt.Container.add(Unknown Source)

at javax.swing.JRootPane.setJMenuBar(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.common.swing.MolPanel.updateMarvinMenuBar(MolPanel.java:5786)

at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.setMenuBar(SketchPanel.java:4722)

at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.updateSketcherMenus(SketchPanel.java:3995)

at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.updateControls(SketchPanel.java:4046)

at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchCanvas.clean(SketchCanvas.java:2639)

at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.clean(SketchPanel.java:4085)

at chemaxon.marvin.common.swing.MolPanel.run(MolPanel.java:2476)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

User f359e526a1

04-08-2007 17:49:32

Hello, thank you for the bug report - we are working on the new 2D clean method, and as I checked, that is working fine (see the attached picture) on this example. Also tried to press ^2 many times and no exception occurred. The bad news is that you have to wait for the new release to get this - that is on its way sometime in the near future.