highlight and add label to specific chain ?

User a68e2d9365

30-07-2007 12:17:23


is it possible to highlight certain areas of the molecule and associate a different label to each of them ? for instance from residue #222 to residue #268 with label 'protein kinase'. It would be very useful if that could be done at loading as embedded parameters within the applet tag.


Alain MEIL.

ChemAxon 909aee4527

30-07-2007 14:44:15

Hi Alain,

would you highlight several parts at a time distinguished by colors, or is highlighting convenient by fading the rest?

On the attached images you can see sample labels, do you think about something similar (but with different text and color)? Can you describe it in more detail?

Kind regards,


User a68e2d9365

30-07-2007 15:46:41

Hi Judit :

Here what I'd like to do : the idea is to compare, on the same molecule, some experimental domains we discovered with others found in the literature (InterPro domains for instance).

So my purpose is to highlight at the same time several parts of the molecule. Color of the area should be parametrazible so we can highlight different types of domain with different colors. In case of overlapping domains, colors should mix. Once the molecule is displayed, user should be able to interactively switch off some highlighted domains. Coordinates of the domain should appear as labels too (start residu index, stop residu index - see file attached). User should be able to switch off labels too.

Labels on your pictures are fine. My concern is that user should understand with no doubts which label corresponds to which domain. So they could be drawn with the color chosen for the domain type, but it is not mandatory.

In an ideal world, user should be able to select a domain and get the AA sequence displayed so he could copy it to the clipboard.



ChemAxon 909aee4527

31-07-2007 10:09:00

Hi Alain,

thank you for the details, this sounds very reasonable.

We also plan to develop a sequence viewer in mspace which can also be helpful in this case.

We can implement this after finishing the 5.0 release (approximately early fall).



User a68e2d9365

12-02-2008 12:53:45

Hi Judith,

I'am coming back to you about these functionalities around domain highligthing and labelling we talked about. Are you planning to implement them ?



ChemAxon efa1591b5a

13-02-2008 15:27:09

Hi Alain,

the development plans for the coming major releases have not yet been finalized. Your requests, in particular the sequence viewer which is asked by many other MarvinSpace users are all considered as important new features.

I will come back with a definite response next week. Thank you for your patience.



ChemAxon efa1591b5a

18-02-2009 14:10:34

The further development of Marvinspace has very low priority at the moment. This, however, does not mean that the feature you proposed is not considered to be an important one. At present we do not have enough capacity to do this work.

Thank you for your understanding,

Miklos Vargyas