User 39ade0cdf9
09-07-2007 09:41:42
I am using Marvin space to display PDB structure, I call Marvin in Java Applet, it works fine in the first 10 structures, but gradually becomes slow. At last, prompt an error:
Not enough memory to complete operation.
Either close unnecessary components,or restart the program and increase the memory available to the JVM.
MarvinSketch/Swing 4.1.8
JVM: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 1.6.0_01
Browser: sun.plugin 1.1
OS: x86 Windows XP 5.1
Running environment: Trusted Applet
Memory: 95.3M maximum, 30.4M total, 10.1M free
After viewing 10 PDB structures,iexplore.exe process cost 157MB memory, I think there maybe memory leaks, how to fix this problem?
this error is throwed by JVM or Marvin? Thanks!
my Email:
liuhai _at_ liuhai _at_
ChemAxon 909aee4527
09-07-2007 12:31:33
Hello Liu,
thank you for the report, we also got the stack trace you've sent to
mspacebugs _at_
It seems there is a problem with the secondary structures. We will analyse the report and get back soon!
Kind regards,
ChemAxon 909aee4527
09-07-2007 14:17:31
We couldn't reproduce the problem yet, but from the report you've sent it has to be a MarvinSpace problem.
If the PDB file you used is not confidential and you could send us, it would be a great help!
User 39ade0cdf9
09-07-2007 14:45:48
Marvin space applet parameter:molecule,seems can't recognize
relative path and dynamic files from database.
relative path can't find structure files:
<param name="molecule" value="./pdb/10gs.pdb">
And files readed from database also can't work
<param name="molecule" value="./pdb/outputfile?pdbcode=10gs">
absolute path works like
<param name="molecule" value="D:/pdb/10gs.pdb">
when using Jmol,<param> can read dynamic files,so I hope Marvin can also support this parameter.
<applet name="Jmol" code="JmolApplet" archive="JmolApplet.jar"
width="800" height="800">
<param name="load" value="outputfile.asp?pdbcode=10gs&pdbtype=ligand">
<param name="progressbar" value="true">
<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000">
<param name="style" value="shaded">
<param name="label" value="number">
<param name="script" value="move 0 0 360 0 0 0 0 0 5">
<param name="script" value="animate next">
<param name="perspectiveDepth" value="true">
User 39ade0cdf9
10-07-2007 02:11:22
You can test the problem I mentioned above, refresh the html page in marvin\examples\applets\example-mspace8.html, note to observe the memory that web browser costs, grow from 10MB to 150MB soon. You only need about 10 times page refreshments to get the OutofMemory Exception.
BTW: I have a PentiumD dualcore 3Ghz CPU,1G DDR RAM and a quadro FX540 video card. Can I use Anti-aliasing in Applet? Thank You!
ChemAxon 909aee4527
10-07-2007 10:41:11
Hi Liu,
1. We will try to investigate this memory problem.
2. The anti-aliasing applet parameter is missing indeed, we will include it.
You can now try it if you have a menubar in the applet.
To enable, check Anti-alias in the Display menu. However by default MarvinSpace disables this instantly on a mouse event. This is because weaker graphics cards have problems with it.
But since you have a good card it is worth trying it this way:
open the Options panel from the Display menu, choose the Controls tab, and uncheck 'Disable antialias on mouse move'. Now enable antialias, and give it a try!
3. We have to consult this internally and we will get back with an answer soon.
User 39ade0cdf9
10-07-2007 15:55:49
Thanks for your patient reply! Good luck! Hope for a robust Marvin!
btw: Marvin space can't display anything in these platforms
Ubuntu Linux 7.04
J2SE 6u1
Redhat Linux Advanced Server
Firefox 1.5
J2SE 6u1
Windows XP
IE 7.0
JRE 6u1
but Marvin Sketch works on all platforms and browsers. Programs concerned with OpenGL are really difficult to keep compatible.
ChemAxon 909aee4527
17-07-2007 07:05:08
Hi Liu,
thank you for the detailed report, though it's still not really clear what the problem could have been. Was it the "natives already loaded by another classloader"?
After your report we checked
Ubuntu Linux 7.04
J2SE 6u1
Windows XP
IE 7.0
JRE 6u1
and MarvinSpace run without problem.
Actually we have tested MarvinSpace with a large scale of configurations (different platforms, browsers, graphic cards, java versions), and found that MarvinSpace can run without errors.
Perhaps it's easier and more robust to use Java Web Start to prevent running applets with different classloaders by chance.
Kind regards,