User 664e1c718a
08-06-2007 18:31:36
In Marvin Sketch, is there some way to control bond-atom-bond angles to be a specific value?
User f359e526a1
11-06-2007 09:23:01
Hello, I am afraid, there is are no 3D edit tools to set these value in the current release.
ChemAxon 909aee4527
14-06-2007 15:25:10
Hi Mark,
would you allow me a question about bond-angle control:
In MarvinSpace it is available to interactively change a molecule by rotating one part around a rotatable bond, but an explicit value cannot be set now.
I'm not sure if this can be used in your case or do you rather think about a different thing?
User 870ab5b546
20-06-2007 00:32:44
This page allows you to set a dihedral angle about a bond.
User f359e526a1
20-06-2007 08:36:16
There it is, it is the third time today to say thank you :)
User 870ab5b546
20-06-2007 13:47:43
You're welcome.
I'm attaching invertStereo.jsp and rotateDihedral.jsp. Feel free to modify and incorporate the code therein into any future tools inside Marvin. I had requested a mirror function previously, and obviously there is a desire out there for the ability to set a dihedral angle.
BTW, the invertStereo page works on both 2D and 3D structures.