Conformer Plugin in Marvin view

User 4b8a3205dc

18-04-2007 06:36:41


can you tell how can make use of the "conformer" option in Marvin View.

while using that option it shoiws that use the plugin to calculate conformer. how can i do that??



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

18-04-2007 10:02:53

To generate conformers, select the "Tools/Conformation/Conformers" option from the menu. A dialog will be displayed with the parameters of the calculation. Modify settings (if it is needed) then push the "OK" button to start calculation.

The Tools menu is available on the menu bar.

If menu bar is not visible (e.g. you are in an applet or in a view table), select the required cell (from the table) and take a double click to detach a window with the structure. You will find the "Tools" menu on the menu bar of the window.