Convert sdf file to multiple mol files

User c0bc45fec0

30-03-2007 12:53:51

Hi everybody,

I try to convert a sdf file containing thousands of compounds into multiple mol file (with for example an automatic number file name).

I read the help file but there's only the function to convert multiple mol files to a unique sdf file.

Have you got any idea for doing this type of conversion ?

Thanks !


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

05-04-2007 13:48:52

Try the attached example.

User c0bc45fec0

05-04-2007 14:07:12

Thank you for your help,

I used perl scripts in order to do this type of conversion but I'll try your script.


User 677b9c22ff

14-07-2007 09:38:54


thats what I call redundant or duplicate work.

I tried to find "sdf2mol" (SDF to mol) on the internet but only could find

one reference to a (non-existing) python file.

I remember that I could convert SDF files to mol and jpeg

and png etc with SDF-toolkit, OpenBabel or any perl or

python script. But I tried and either could not find it or

bring it to work. So I started to code for some minutes and

then came across other examples here and there was the

code already :-)

Long explanation short story.

This sdf2mol converts a single SD file (SDF) or SMI file (SMILES) to multiple mol, pdf, png etc. files

So this code is also a SDF2png, SDF2bmp, SDF2mol, SDF2pdf, SDF2cml

SMI2mol, SMI2png, SMI2pdf, SMI2cml.

So virtually all formats molconvert also supports.

SDF2mol converts large SDF or SMILES files into multiple single mol files or pictures

usage: SDF2mol inputname outputname format

example: SDF2mol C6H6.sdf C6H6mol mol

example: SDF2mol C6H6.smi C6H6pic png

example: SDF2mol C6H6.sdf C6H6out mol:-H

/* The input file format is guessed automatically or specified as an import option

* to the constructor. Many different formats are supported like

* "mol", "rgf", "sdf", "rdf", "csmol", "csrgf", "cssdf", "csrdf", "cml", "mrv",

* "smiles", "cxsmiles", "pdb", "xyz" "sybyl", "mol2", "pdb", "xyz"

* Output molecule formats: mol, rgf, sdf, rdf, csmol, csrgf, cssdf, csrdf, cml,

* Output Graphics formats: emf, jpeg, msbmp, pdf, png, pov, ppm, svg.

* Other formats: gzip, base64. (See -Ho)

* MolImporter can also import gzip compressed and base64 encoded structures.



* Basic export options

a, +a, +a_gen General aromatization. Example: "XXX:a"

a_bas Basic aromatization. Example: "XXX:a_bas"

-a Dearomatize. Example: "XXX:-a"

H or +H Add explicit Hydrogen atoms. Example: "XXX:H"

-H Remove explicit Hydrogen atoms. Example: "XXX:-H"

Here, XXX can be any molecule or image format like

mol, sdf, rdf, rgf, rxn, csmol, cssdf, csrdf, csrgf, csrxn,

smiles, cxsmiles, abbrevgroup, mrv, cml, jpeg, png, ppm or svg, msbmp

but aromatization options have no effect on formats which

do not store bond orders like cube, pdb and xyz.


See the attached and sdf2mol.bat and

sdf2mol.jar. So if you want to create a mol file

use SDF2mol.bat C6H6-cdk.smi C6H6mol mol

or if you want to create multiple pictures (png,jpeg,bmp)

use SDF2mol.bat c6h6-cdk.smi c6h6 png

The output print should be like that:

SDF2mol 2007 v1.0 - CPUs:8

Number of molecules in C6H6-cdk.smi: 217

Created 217 new mol files. Thank you for using SDF2mol!

Kind regards


User f359e526a1

24-07-2007 06:55:59

Thank you!

User 677b9c22ff

10-09-2007 20:08:16


I just found out that some of the options for converting pictures,

like SDF2png or SDF2JPG do not work with SDF2MOL (creates 0 length pictures).


sdf2mol input.sdf  outputname "png:w300,#ffffff,-a,-H"

sdf2mol  input.sdf outputname  "jpeg:q100,w300,#ffffff,-a,-H"

It only works without options


sdf2mol input.sdf  outputname png

sdf2mol  input.sdf outputname  jpeg

Or 1) converting to mol and 2) converting to png, JPG with options

(like different colors, width, background)



sdf2mol input.sdf  outputname mol


create a windows batchfile doconvert.bat

for %%f in (*.mol) do molconvert "png:w300,#ffffff,-a,-H" %%f -o %%f.png

This will convert all the pictures with the possible and correct options.

This mode works good for most purposes.


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

11-09-2007 22:00:31

The error is in your code.

You should parse format string. Skip export options (":w300,#ffffff,-a,-H") from the file name extension:

int x = format.indexOf(":");

String ext = (x > -1)? format.substring(0,x) : format;

localfilename =  outputname+ "-" + (molcounter)+ "." + ext;

User 677b9c22ff

12-09-2007 01:45:01

Hi Tamas,

once you know its easy :-) I did it the easy way (form me) but I also updated the code, works fine, thank you. So here it is, see attachement.


User e59cb00a69

26-12-2007 10:42:30

Hello there,

This topic seems to be the close enough to my query. I have to send an email to a superior who does not have instant jchem nor want to install it. Intuitively he asks for a pdf, and I naively thought I could just chose my default print to pdf option that is available on my mac. There is a print to file option, but for some reason this results in a ps (post script) file being sent to my printer rather than to file in the location I specified.

Does anyone have solutions? I would like an exact representation of the grid view.

Thanks for your help

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

02-01-2008 14:09:21

It seems to be an InstantJChem issue. By printing MarvinView tables, there are "Preview" and "PDF" options (beside the "Print" button) on the Print panel.

(To tell the truth, your question is not too close to the original topic. InstantJChem uses a totally different renderer for tables than Marvin.)

I forward your questions to the IJC team.

ChemAxon fa971619eb

02-01-2008 15:31:50

We will look at the print to file and/or PDF situation in Instant JChem.

But without that working I don't think there are any options for getting an exact representation of what you see in IJC. You could of course export the data to a SD file or similar, but would require the recipient of the file being able to view it.

User 0caa0c681f

14-05-2009 10:21:17

TobiasKind wrote:
Hi Tamas,
once you know its easy :-) I did it the easy way (form me) but I also updated the code, works fine, thank you. So here it is, see attachement.

How to convert skc file or TGF file to sdf file or RXn file

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

14-05-2009 13:24:29


Presently the SKC import feature is not available in Marvin; it is planned for version 5.3 coming this Autumn.

Best regards,


User e34a92cce5

13-01-2013 07:34:02

I tried to use sdf2mol according to Tobias instruction and get this error:

Number of molecules in C:\Compounds.sdf: 15
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: chemaxon.formats.MolExporter.write(Lchemaxon/struc/Molecule;)V
        at examples.sdf2mol.main(

I am using JChem 5.5

ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

14-01-2013 12:07:38


it is better to simply use the molconvert tool from command line like this:

molconvert mol inputfile.sdf -o outpufilename.mol -m

Is this suitable for you, or you need a Java solution?
