User 870ab5b546
14-02-2007 20:40:44
A user has requested that there be shortcut keys to the electron-flow arrows.
May I suggest SHIFT-1 and SHIFT-2? (For a Mac, OPTION-1 and OPTION-2 would also work, but I don't know whether there's an equivalent keystroke combination on a PC.)
User f359e526a1
15-02-2007 10:09:54
Hi, we are working hard on GUI customization - in the next release you will be able to edit your hot keys linked to a menu.
User 870ab5b546
27-02-2007 13:14:03
BTW, I see I can put buttons for electron-flow arrows on the toolbar by using the xtmpls parameter and the file eflow.mrv. It's a great option, and we will use it. The only problem is that the pictures of the arrows on that appear on the toolbar buttons are slightly truncated, so they are difficult to read. Is there any way a little white space could be added to either side of the picture on the button so that the pictures look nicer?
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
27-02-2007 15:44:44
Indeed, the calculation of the boundary of the arrow is not perfect (on the extra templates button). We will fix it.