User 1033cfd7dc

24-01-2007 22:37:55

Dear Support,

I've tried to use the IUPACNamer function - without success. Could you please include a working example?

The relevant lines I've tried to use:


<%@page import="java.io.*,





Generated servlet error:

Only a type can be imported. chemaxon.marvin.modules.nameexport.IUPACNamer resolves to a package




IUPACNamer namer = new IUPACNamer();

String iupac_name=namer.generateName(mol);



Generated servlet error:

IUPACNamer cannot be resolved to a type


Which .jar files should be in the JSP's lib directory?


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

24-01-2007 23:31:32

IUPACNamer class (like any other Marvin classes) are in MarvinBeans.jar.

IUPAC name export is available only in a pre-release (4.2.0alpha3).

Do you use this version?

User 1033cfd7dc

25-01-2007 00:03:28

I've downloaded the latest version, copied the whole lib directory into Tomcat's WEB-INF directory, restarted services - but still got the same errors:

<%@page import="chemaxon.marvin.modules.nameexport.IUPACNamer"%>


Generated servlet error:

Only a type can be imported. chemaxon.marvin.modules.nameexport.IUPACNamer resolves to a package


IUPACNamer namer = new chemaxon.marvin.modules.nameexport.IUPACNamer();


Generated servlet error:

IUPACNamer cannot be resolved to a type

Generated servlet error:

chemaxon.marvin.modules.nameexport.IUPACNamer cannot be resolved to a type

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

25-01-2007 03:03:16

Only this developer pre-release (4.2.0alpha3) includes IUPAC naming export:


You can download this Marvin Beans from here:


Have you tried the above one?

By the way, the latest offical release is Marvin 4.1.5.

User 870ab5b546

25-01-2007 13:39:03

Do you have an estimated release date for Marvin 4.2? Days, weeks, months?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

25-01-2007 13:52:47

No, there is no exact date.

There are a lot of tasks that should be implemented until then.

ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

25-01-2007 16:41:29

From a molecule object mol, you can generate the name with:


That will avoid problems with importing the class. But this will only work if the name generator is present in the release your are using, which is the case for the lastest alpha release, 4.2.0alpha3.

User 1033cfd7dc

25-01-2007 23:22:19

Yes, I've downloaded the latest alpha release but..

The whole story begins with the following directory structure in Tomcat:


WEB-INF (with old marvin libs)


WEB-INF (with new marvin libs)

I thought that .jsp in Marvin_sub directory uses the WEB-INF directory in the same place. In fact, Tomcat uses the main WEB-INF directory..

Everything is OK now, probably somebody will find this useful. However, thanx for the answers!

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

25-01-2007 23:42:29

Thanks for sharing your experience.