User 870ab5b546
17-01-2007 02:44:36
Marvin 4.1.5. Load the file below. Hover over the Bu3Sn-H bond on the upper right, hold down the option key, click and hold, and drag the Bu3SnH molecule to the empty space in the topmost box. Now press the B key and place a B atom near the copy of the new Bu3SnH molecule. Now press the H key and draw a B-H bond. Repeat the B-H bond drawing. You will see the B turn into HH and you will see Marvin freeze up.
I think the problem has to do with copying and dragging the molecule that contains the shortcut group, but I'm not sure.
I think the problem has to do with copying and dragging the molecule that contains the shortcut group, but I'm not sure.
Code: |
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