minor selection bugs

User 870ab5b546

04-01-2007 17:46:39

Suppose I have several molecules or other objects in a drawing, one is selected, and I want to select a molecule in addition. If I hold down the shift key and draw a box around it, it is selected, and the previous molecule or other object remains selected (good). If I hold down the shift key and single-click on an atom or other object, it is selected, and the previous molecule or other object remains selected (good). But if I hold down the shift key and double-click on a molecule, the new molecule is selected, but the previous molecule or other object is deselected (bad).

User f359e526a1

05-01-2007 07:09:09

Cheers, will be fixed soon.

User f359e526a1

12-02-2007 08:04:53

It is working now as

- double-clicking on a fragment selects the whole fragment (and deselects everything else)

- Shift-single click selects/deselects a previously unselected/selected atom resp.

- Shift-doubleclick on a fragment selects the fragment and keeps the previously selected fragments selected

- Shift-doubleclick again deselects the fragment if you clicked on a selected atom or selects the fragment if clicked on an unselected atom (ie if deselected using the second step above).

Is it better this way?

User 870ab5b546

12-02-2007 13:24:50

Igen, jó.

User f359e526a1

12-02-2007 13:38:43
