stereo flags

User 870ab5b546

31-10-2006 19:26:06

I have this code:

        Molecule origMol = (Molecule) mol.clone();

        int origNumBonds = origMol.getBondCount();


        for (int bIndex = 0; bIndex<origNumBonds; bIndex++) {

            MolBond mb = (MolBond) mol.getEdge(bIndex);

            int stereo = mb.getFlags() & MolBond.STEREO_MASK;

            MolBond origmb = (MolBond) origMol.getEdge(bIndex);

            int origStereo = origmb.getFlags() & MolBond.STEREO_MASK;

            if (stereo != origStereo) {

                System.out.println("ChemUtils.addImplicitH: "

                        + "resetting a " + mb.getAtom1().getSymbol()

                        + "-" + mb.getAtom2().getSymbol() 

                        + " bond from stereo " + stereo

                        + " back to original stereo " + origStereo);


            } // if stereo has been changed by hydrogenizing   

        } // for each original bond in mol

I find that hydrogenize() has changed stereo from 0 to 64 for *every* bond in mol. Any reason why?

ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

03-11-2006 16:00:12

I may misunderstand something, but I think I miss the problem.

I have done the following under marvin 4_1_2:

java SmomeTest 1.mrv

Nothing is written.

All the best


User 870ab5b546

08-11-2006 02:55:45

Hm, I can't seem to reproduce the behavior now. OK, I'll write again if I have trouble again.

User eec9d4ad39

10-11-2006 18:15:24

I have just updated to MarvinView 4.1.2, and noticed some error in

terms of (R)/(S) configurations in my files. At first I thought that

my SMILES strings were incorrect, but now I believe that the problems

lies with your viewer.

I am using the following example (CAS 40715-31-9):


This SMILES string shows me the correct 3D structure in Accelrys, but

the (incorrect) mirror-image in MarvinView. As far as I can tell, this

problem has occurred just recently with my installation of the update.

ChemAxon 43e6884a7a

11-11-2006 18:11:35

That is a bug. We will fix that asap. Thanks.

ChemAxon 43e6884a7a

12-11-2006 10:00:42

(However it works in MarvinSpace)