drag and drop

User 870ab5b546

08-10-2006 03:11:07

Marvin Beans does not support opening files by drag and drop onto the Marvin icon. It would be nice if it did.

It would also be nice if the Open... dialog box started at the user's home, not the folder where Marvin is stored.

User f359e526a1

10-10-2006 06:30:40

Hello, certainly these are useful features, I will include them into the feature request list.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-10-2006 11:51:21

Marvin Beans does not support opening files by drag and drop onto the Marvin icon. It would be nice if it did.
Indeed, this feature is not supported in OS X but it works in Windows.

Until we solve it in OS X, I suggest to open MarvinView/Sketch and drag the mol file's icon into the opened application.
It would also be nice if the Open... dialog box started at the user's home, not the folder where Marvin is stored.
If you launch MarvinSketch/MarvinView as desktop application, the default directory is the Marvin Beans folder. If you launch it from script (in Linux/OS X: marvinbeans/bin/msketch) or from batch file (in Windows: marvinbeans\bin\msketch.bat), the default directory will be the working directory (where you typed the command).

We will solve that the desktop application use the HOME folder as default directory.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-10-2006 14:18:18

Home folder issue is solved. In next Marvin (4.1.2), Marvin desktop applications use the user's home as default working directory.

You can try it out in the latest Marvin pre-release: http://www.chemaxon.com/test/marvin