User 8c93b1d06c
06-10-2006 23:19:08
I recently learned how to make multi-structure files by using the append function when saving a new structure to a file. How do you remove a single molecule from a multi-structure file in Marvin? When I view files that I have deleted a structure and saved in Marvin View it shows an empty cell for the removed structure.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
10-10-2006 11:25:57
Choose "Save Selection" in the File menu and enumerate those cells that are not empty.
(If the 2nd cell is empty and there are 10 molecules, fill the Save Selection form, like this "1,3-10".)
User 8c93b1d06c
10-10-2006 22:09:22
I get a nullpointer exception when I follow your instructions with the attached file created using Marvin Sketch and Marvin View version 4.1.1 running on Linux OS. I attempted to save structures 1-4 using the "Save Selection" command from the file menu in marvin view.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
10-10-2006 22:20:45
Yes, it is a bug in Marvin 4.1.1. We have already fixed it. The bugfix will be available in Marvin 4.1.2. A pre-release from Marvin 4.1.2 is already available: