ANY bonds in Marvin

User 870ab5b546

14-07-2006 00:00:56

I have this source:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>



    <molecule molID="m1">


          atomID="a1 a2"

          elementType="Br O"

          formalCharge="1 -1"

          radical="monovalent 0"

          x2="-11.841666221618652 -8.434999427795411"

          y2="1.2833333015441895 1.225000023841858"



        <bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1" queryType="Any" />





When I make a JPEG out of it, it shows the "any" bond as a dashed line; but when I display it in Marvin, there is no bond visible at all between Br and O. Is there a MarvinSketch parameter that will make the "any" bonds appear as a dashed line?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

14-07-2006 10:34:03

There are 3 options at any bonds drawing: Auto, Dashed line and Solid line.

You can set it from the Preferences menu (Edit/Preferences/Bonds).

You can also control it programatically: give the sketchAnyBond (applet) parameter or use the UserSettings.setSketchAnyBond(String) method.

By the way, at some kind of scaling factor, the any bonds may be unvisible under OS X. It is an OS X specific bug. We will solve it as soon as possible.

User 870ab5b546

14-07-2006 12:59:52

Tamas wrote:
There are 3 options at any bonds drawing: Auto, Dashed line and Solid line.

You can set it from the Preferences menu (Edit/Preferences/Bonds).
I tried this method. When I set the ANY bond to solid, the bond becomes solid, but when I set it to Dashed, it remains invisible. Perhaps this is the OS X bug you mentioned. The scale is 32.

The sketchAnyBond applet parameter is not documented at That's why I didn't know about it. I assume the string may be "automatic", "dashed" or "solid"?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

14-07-2006 13:47:30

The sketchAnyBond applet parameter is not documented at That's why I didn't know about it. I assume the string may be "automatic", "dashed" or "solid"?
I have completed the documentation: