load the struct not the file

User f34bba65a8

12-07-2006 10:59:30

Hi there

Well i'm trying to load a web page with the marvinsketch, i do a structure search and everything goes smooth. The problem is that then i have to return to the form with the molecule loaded on it. I have the string that marvinsketch created but cannot load on it.

Do I have to create a file with that string in order to load it as in the example?

There is not a way to load straight the string?

Thanks Ignasi

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-07-2006 13:49:34

Please see the following example.


It demonstrates how to load molecule string in the MarvinSketch applet.

User f34bba65a8

12-07-2006 14:55:09

and this kind cannot load?

<?xml version="1.0" ?>



<molecule molID="m1">


atomID="a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6"

elementType="C C C C C C"

x2="-2.2750000953674316 -3.60866943641569 -3.60866943641569 -2.2750000953674316 -0.9413307543191731 -0.9413307543191731"

y2="1.8317005378506401 1.0616835972915997 -0.47835028382648126 -1.2483672243855217 -0.47835028382648126 1.0616835972915997"



<bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1" />

<bond atomRefs2="a1 a6" order="1" />

<bond atomRefs2="a2 a3" order="2" />

<bond atomRefs2="a3 a4" order="1" />

<bond atomRefs2="a4 a5" order="1" />

<bond atomRefs2="a5 a6" order="2" />





ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-07-2006 15:53:58

You have to encode special characters for JavaScript: ' (single quote), " (double quotes), \ (backslash) and \n (end of line).

I have attached a JSP example which demonstrates how to convert these characters.

The converter method (from the example) is copied here:


static String replaceString(String input, String query, String replacement) {

   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

   int from=0;

   int pos;

   while((pos = input.indexOf(query, from)) >= 0) {

       if(pos > from) {




       from = pos+query.length();


   if(input.length() > from)


   return sb.toString();


public static String convertForJavaScript(String input) {

    String value = input;

    //Converting Windows style string to UNIX style

    value = replaceString(value, "\r\n", "\n");

    //Converting Macintosh style string to UNIX style

    value = replaceString(value, "\r", "\n");

    //Converting special characters

    value = replaceString(value, "\\", "\\\\");

    value = replaceString(value, "\n", "\\n");

    value = replaceString(value, "\"", "\\\"");

    value = replaceString(value, "'", "\\'");

    return value;


User f34bba65a8

12-07-2006 16:40:20

Thank you very much with the example and your translate solution it has been easy.

You have a really A++ service with this forum to help developers.