resonance arrow

User 870ab5b546

12-08-2004 17:55:28

Could you provide a resonance arrow (↔), an equilibrium arrow (⇄ or ⇌), and a retrosynthetic arrow (⇒) in addition to the regular reaction arrow in MarvinSketch?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-08-2004 18:43:16

bobgr wrote:
Could you provide a resonance arrow (↔), an equilibrium arrow (⇄ or ⇌), and a retrosynthetic arrow (⇒) in addition to the regular reaction arrow in MarvinSketch?
Marvin's reaction arrow is not customizable.

But we will discuss your request.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

17-08-2004 09:30:40

Tamas wrote:
bobgr wrote:
Could you provide a resonance arrow (↔), an equilibrium arrow (⇄ or ⇌), and a retrosynthetic arrow (⇒) in addition to the regular reaction arrow in MarvinSketch?
Marvin's reaction arrow is not customizable.

But we will discuss your request.
We will implement this feature in Marvin 3.5.

ChemAxon fb166edcbd

18-10-2004 11:12:20

In 3.5, these 4 arrow types will be supported:

->, <->, =>, <=>

The arrow drawing has been improved a bit.

User 870ab5b546

20-10-2004 17:51:43

Hi Nora,

The retrosynthetic arrow (=>) still doesn't look good in the Marvin 3.5 at It looks like two side-by-side half-arrows, not a single retrosynthetic arrow. You want to use the Unicode symbol &rArr;.

-- Bob

ChemAxon fb166edcbd

20-10-2004 23:50:26

The arrow drawing has been improved but it is not yet on the site -

we haven't had a test release since then. In the upcoming release

it will be much better (definitely not two half-arrows).

User c8b94a6e41

04-04-2016 12:34:44

It looks like two side-by-side half-arrows, not a single retrosynthetic arrow.????



== ==

ChemAxon cbb451ac1e

05-04-2016 07:14:01

Arrows have been improved over the years. The retrosynthetic arrow does NOT look as it was constituted from two half arrows now.