Marvin Viewer Help

User d6ed1af950

28-06-2006 05:03:51


Posting here as I couldnt find a relavent forum for MarvinView related issues.

I use MarvinView(from beans) in my tool. When I set the molecules to the viewer, by default the dimension is 2D. To change it to 3D I could find only the clean() method which (according to the APIs) calculates the atom co-ordinates. Is there any way through which this recalculating of co-ordinates can be avoided.

Basically when the view has to be changed from 2D to 3D or vice-versa I want to keep the structure the same without any optimization or any recalculation of atom co-ordinates.



ChemAxon efa1591b5a

28-06-2006 07:43:24

Indeed... due to technical problems the relevant forum was not available.....

I moved your post to this forum, your question will be answered shortly.

