Old MarvinSpace with new MarvinSketch?

User c870efe32c

10-02-2017 12:49:56


is it possible to run an old version of MarvinSpace besides a new version of MarvinSketch? Since MarvinSpace is unfortunatley discontinued I still wish to run it for certain applications but be up to date with MarvinSketch at the same time.



ChemAxon 775b29fd6e

10-02-2017 23:10:54

HiĀ Bernhard!

We plan to publish a separated Marvin Space installer in the near future. This will allow you to have Marvin Space and an up to date Marvin Sktech next to each other.

I'll keep you posted.

Regards, Zoltan.

ChemAxon 5693b0ec15

28-02-2017 14:13:07

Dear Bernard,

I am glad to inform you that the MarvinSpace installer can be downloded from this page.


Best regards,

Nikolett Mihala