Bad file in Marvin (for Mac OS) downloads

User ddb69c629d

29-12-2016 06:24:54


The above file, in separately downloaded and installed instances on separate computers, shows up as corrupted and unreadable.  Not a critical file, but you might want to get a clean copy into your next update.

ChemAxon 5693b0ec15

29-12-2016 09:43:27

Thank you very much for notification.

We will eliminate it as soon as possible.

Kind regards and best wishes for the new year.

Nikolett Mihala

ChemAxon 775b29fd6e

02-01-2017 11:14:16

Hi James,

may I ask you which Marvin version do you have ?


User ddb69c629d

03-01-2017 03:34:08

zpolgar wrote:

Hi James,

may I ask you which Marvin version do you have ?


"About" info for Marvin Sketch:


Product Version:

Build Date: 2015-03-16
Internal build id:
Operating System: x86_64 Mac OS X 10.12.2

ChemAxon 775b29fd6e

03-01-2017 09:53:33

Hi James,

as it turned out we already solved this because we've replaced the offline help entirely. So this issue should not appear since the Marvin 16.x. versions. ( I can't remember the exact version number ) Thanks again for your report!

Regards, Zoltan.