User 260ede9393
12-12-2016 02:50:10
I am using Molconvert x86 version (from Marvin Beans) on a Windows 7 x64 computer with Java 1.8.0_111 (both java x64 and x86; the java.exe called from the command line is the x64 version).
When the code page of the command line is 850, Molconvert works. However, when the code page is 65001, it gets stuck. Even commands like "Molconvert -h" get stuck. I tried adding "-e UTF-8" or "-e ASCII" options, but it did not help.
This is a very minor problem, since I can use a batch file to change the code page, run Molconvert, and change back the code page.
Thank you very much for Marvin Beans.