User d5d3760021
19-07-2016 20:58:03
In our software, we didn't used to need to explicitly set the license file. I'm testing out updating the version of marvin to 16.4.25, and now I get this exception when running the code:
java.lang.ClassCastException: chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.LicensePanel cannot be cast to chemaxon.marvin.view.swing.ViewPanel
at chemaxon.marvin.beans.MViewPane.setEditable( ~[com.chemaxon-marvin-gui.jar:master-4992]
This exception goes away if I set the license before this point using LicenseManager.setLicense(marvinLicense);
Is this a bug on your part or are we now required to call setLicense in all software packages which use marvin?