User fc80487671
14-07-2016 13:03:31
I was a bit unsure where to post my question as I use command line screen3d, but my question refers to the visualization.
I run command line screen3d comparisons on many molecule pairs. I would also like to automatically obtain nice figures of the aligned molecule pairs.
Attached are two example sd files, on which I show what I do:
1) run screen3d to generate 3D pharmacophore structures
screen3d g AKE.sdf -F -pharm
screen3d g MIX.sdf -F -pharm
2) run screen3d to compare the structures, save overlayed structures as well
screen3d s -q AKEF.ser -t MIXF.ser -writeQuery
Now I have a file with aligned structures. If I view it with mview, both structures are coloured using the same
schema (C atoms are black, O red, N blue), so it is hard to differentiate between the 2 molecules.
Also, the lone electron pairs are explicitly shown as 'LP'.
My questions are as follows:
1) Would it be possible to remove the LP notation? It is very confusing like this.
2) Would it be possible to colour the two molecules differently? One with one single colour and the other with another single colour?
ChemAxon d51151248d
15-07-2016 14:42:09
Hi Anna,
There are no direct solutions for your question in MarvinView/Space. Currently only they can be solved with using the API.
We are going to investigate other possibilities to solve them differently with ChemAxon tools.
User fc80487671
17-07-2016 08:06:31
Hi Dani,
Could you give me an example how to do it using the API?
ChemAxon 5fc3e8d7d0
21-07-2016 13:56:37
Dear Anna,
Please see the attached code example.
You can compile and run it with the following commands:
javac -cp jchem.jar
cat AKEF_MIXF_shape_aligned.mrv | java -cp jchem.jar:. FragmentColoring | mview -
Best regards,
User fc80487671
24-07-2016 14:22:27
Dear Laszlo,
Thanks for the code example. It worked, and was perfect in terms of the colouring. Is it also possible to remove the LP notation (or replace with the more conventional dot notation)?
ChemAxon 5fc3e8d7d0
12-08-2016 13:31:28
Dear Anna,
Sorry for the late answer.
I have updated the example with a new method which remove the LP atoms from the molecule.
If you want to see the lone pairs (dot notation) of the molecule you have to set View > Advanced > Lone Pairs menu in MarvinSketch.
Best regards,
User fc80487671
23-08-2016 12:02:59
Dear Laszlo, thanks, I really like the result. Best, Anna