User 646de8ab9c
07-07-2016 12:59:34
Hi all,
I have a question for Marvin Sketch AND MarvinJS (post done only here).
I want to draw a mix of 2 regio-isomers (50/50). A first solution is to use the "Variable position bond" in Marvin Sketch. But:
- I cannot use the "Ctrl+I" option in Marvin Sketch
- This "variable bond" is not conserved in the mol/sdf format and that a big problem for me.
Thus I thought I have to use brackets. For this I found 2 solutions:
1- put brackets on each molecules with "0.5" to try to say 50% of the first one / 50% of the other.
2- put brackets "Ordered mixture" or "unordered mixture" on the mix of both regio-isomers (see image)
Here :
- I do not know which type of brackets to use for the first solution (showing 50/50 proportion)
- I cannot use the "Ctrl+I" option (and it is the same with any molecule with brackets)
When I am using the "Ordered mixture" or the other type of brackets:
- When I am computing the Elemental analysis I obtain the MW of the total of both molecules, whereas if I asked for the mixture I am waiting the MW of one.
- Even with the format mrv, I cannot copy/paste to MarvinJS
Any help? Which representation is the standard in this case?
Thanks in advance, Lionel