User ed3f36a9e4
29-05-2006 18:58:57
Hi all!
In Marvin Space (enclosed to latest MarvinBean's version) it ask me for a licence key, in the following path:
(I have had tried "GraphicScene=k......Y" but I belive that it does not work):
_Display->options->others-> ENTER licence key in proper field.
Shoud anybody help me?
Please send help to
guilhermesouzalimabrito _at_
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
29-05-2006 19:12:02
Hi, you actually have to press the enter key after you typed in 8 digit license the key in the edit box (Display->options->others-> ENTER licence key), and press the OK button only after that. The key you need to enter is the 8 digits only, you should not preceed it with GraphicScene=
Alternatively, you can edit the licenses.dat file, there you really have to type the whole line as you quoted in your message: GraphicScene=k....Y
Does this help?
ChemAxon 909aee4527
30-05-2006 08:59:53
there are two possible ways to solve this:
1/ type or copy the license key k...Y into the field on the options dialog, press Enter, and close the dialog. There won't be **** signs, although there might be in the sketcher/viewer. Next time you open the dialog, the field will be unavailable that shows the key has been properly set.
2/ the licenses.dat file is in the user home directory, under chemaxon (win) or .chemaxon (linux, mac) directory. In case of editing this file, the whole line is required: "".
However, in the Marvin 4.1 release license managing has been standardized, and will be comfortable to use with the new graphic environment.