Exporting Editable Tables

User ee02bcb8b4

05-04-2016 03:06:39

Hello, after I have generated an .sdf with, for example, structure, Mass, logD, logS of ~20 compounds using command prompt with Marvin I get a decent looking table of results when I view on Martin View. How do I at this point export an editable version that I can use in a powerpoint for example? What I really care about is the calculated data, I don't really need the structure images. Can I mine this out somehow so I can actually work with this data in an editable table?



ChemAxon cbb451ac1e

05-04-2016 08:04:51

Hello John,

I'm afraid there is no simple way to solve this without having a licensed JChem for Excel or Office instance.

Best regards,
