UI refresh

User 37df300f74

25-05-2006 14:55:50


I embedded MarvinSketch into our application, but when I move mouse around, the UI is not refreshed as needed, as a result, the UI become quick dirty. I even call refershUI but did not solve it. Maybe you can give me some hint. I attached a screenshot for your review.



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

25-05-2006 15:15:00

In which container have you embedded the MSketchPane component?

User 37df300f74

25-05-2006 16:00:38

I initialize skecthPane and add it to jScrollPane1


then add jScrollPane1 to JPanel and finally to JTabbedPane

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

26-05-2006 14:00:05

I have created a simple example to insert an MSketchPane into a JTabbedPane.

But I had never refreshing problem with the menu.