Drag-Selection on Mac

User 580d3c31fa

04-12-2015 18:20:38


I've downloaded new version of Marvin Sketch and I can't freely move selected atoms/compound... I got to go right click → transformation → drag selection what is quite annoying.

How make holding left mouse button to move objects?

ChemAxon cbb451ac1e

04-12-2015 18:39:19

You can move selected structure(s) freely if you see a blue rectangle while hovering your mouse over it. In case you see a gear wheel please press space, that is to toggle between different types of movements. Thanks!


User 580d3c31fa

04-12-2015 18:42:37

Doesn't work.

It was working like that on previous Mac version, but not the newest.

When I do what You told structure is deselected upon left click mouse on box

ChemAxon d26931946c

07-12-2015 15:15:11


I could move the compounds freely, but after the first movement I had to press the space to enter into move mode again.

Do you experience the same behavior?


User 580d3c31fa

21-12-2015 16:08:19

Thank you gezapeti

You answer helped me - I didn't know that space change modes and let me move, rotate and move in 3D :)